Winter Olympics 2014 – NHL 94 Style!

Here at, we love our video games. We’re always playing against each other – be it Madden, NBA 2K or of course NHL games. Sometimes we fire up NHL 14 on the 360, other times we break out the Genesis for some NHL 94 action.
We also love to simulate games. Often after a night of hockey and beers, we’ll put on NHL 14, pick a team each then let the AI battle it out while we’re placing bets on it. We did this a couple of weeks ago, simulating the entire Olympics on NHL 14.
Then we thought “Wouldn’t it be cool if we could do that on NHL 94?”.
So we did.
It took over 30 hours of work updating all of the NHL 94 rosters, inputting all of the countries and adding attributes for the players. Oh and of course - the jerseys. 30 hours. But we think it was worth it. We hope you do too!
Results So Far:
As of February 15th, 10:30am EST NHL 94 has correctly simulated 8 of the 10 games correctly results wise.The big one was NHL 94 correctly predicting USA would beat Russia. It predicted USA would win 4-2 - close enough! It also predicted correctly that Datsyuk would score both Russian goals!
Important Note:
Simply click on each of the below links and it will open in a new window, with a boxscore and video highlights of the game. Bar 2 games, everything is utilizing Instagram Video as it made it much easier to process. The video will look like this, and you’ll just need to click “Play” to play each one. If you don’t see a video below – I dunno, try another browser or something.
Group Games:
- February 12th Group C: Czech vs Sweden, Latvia vs Switzerland
- February 13th Group A: Russia vs Slovenia, Slovakia vs USA
- February 13th Group B: Canada vs Norway, Finland vs Austria
- February 14th Group B: Canada vs Austria, Norway vs Finland
- February 14th Group C: Czech vs Latvia, Sweden vs Switzerland
- February 15th Group A: Slovakia vs Slovenia, USA vs Russia
- February 15th Group C: Switzerland vs Czech, Sweden vs Latvia
- February 16th Group A: Russia vs Slovakia, Slovenia vs USA
- February 16th Group B: Austria vs Norway, Finland vs Canada
Group Stats:
- Qualification Playoffs Part 1
- Qualification Playoffs Part 2
- Quarter Finals Part 1
- Quarter Finals Part 2
- Semi Finals
- Bronze Medal Game
- Gold Medal Game
Final Stats:
Thanks For Reading:
We hope you enjoyed reading this simulation, as much as we enjoyed doing it. It took us a ridiculous amount of hours but we're very happy with the final product, and it was a blast to do. We'll be doing more of these in the future for sure!If you liked this and want to share it etc - go nuts, links are below. If you have any questions you can e-mail Thanks!
Technical Notes:
Many thanks to the website whose comprehensive guides and detailed information on their forums allowed us to do this.
Thanks to Alexander Keiths beer, of which many we consumed while simulating games over and over again to get it as accurate as possible. The whole process took over 40 hours of our lives, but the hangovers were well worth it!
Oh and it should be noted that this is purely for entertainment purposes and most likely not an accurate simulation of the Olympics. Although being the degenerates that we are, we’re totally heading over to Bodog and betting each one with the “correct score” bet. Around 98% of the games were simulated in 10 minutes “NHL 94 Time” which gave an accurate simulation.
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